For the past few months, I have been winding up my business, while also looking for a 'proper' job. The business was officially/legally wound up yesterday. But I am still hunting for alternative employment.
Since I am not currently working in the field of L&D, it strikes me as being somewhat hypocritical to keep sharing my perspectives here. I don't feel as if I have anything to offer the practising L&D professional from here, and I would feel rather like the couch potato yelling advice at the honed athlete on the screen.
Things advance so quickly in this field, that my firsthand experience will quickly be outdated.
So, for now, I am putting this blog on hold. Should the day ever come when I am back in the saddle, you will no doubt see me back here again.
I'd like to thank you for your company on my journey. Particularly those who have stuck by me since the very beginning, those who comment here, on Facebook and on Twitter... and those of you who email me or phone me to give me a blast when I say something you don't agree with. It has all been a rich and exciting learning tapestry.
Happy hunting.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
So long, farewell....
Posted by
The upsycho
6:22 pm
Labels: miscellaneous musings
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Hang on a sec Karyn, I'm sure I won't be the only one to respond to your post but I felt I needed to add my 2 penneth.
Learning is learning is learning. Sure, somebody will dream up a new concept or buzzword or piece of tech but essentially unless the human species drastically evolves in our lifetime then you've got something to add and value to provide.
Because you have a keen, observational eye that sees learning 'everywhere' in 'everything'. Me. I see it when its on a plate in front of me, but many of your posts have forced me to look at things in a different light, so you have made a difference.
To me.
And I have zero doubt, many, many others
I shall expect your next blog post to be in my Google reader first thing Monday morning ;-)
'first hand experience' is only a tiny, tiny, tiny part of the reason I come to read your blog Karyn. It's your insight, your logic, your passion, your common sense, your interesting opinions, your values, your bravery, your inspiration, your sense of fun, your logic, your balance, your focus, your love of the game, your energy. You, you are the reason I come to read this blog, not your job, not your position, not your financial situation, not your employment situation, it's YOU! Get it?
I somehow feel that pointing out the obvious may refresh your memory. Being so close to the death of a vision is traumatic so I feel for you but am compelled to remind you that, as a door closes so God is preparing the next one's opening.
Probably trite and a little slick but nevertheless true.
Don't miss the opportunity that may be veiled for a time - faith pulls back that veil.
Stay strong
Hoping to hear from you again in the not-to-distant future...
If you do decide to go, please come back soon - you write about many interesting things - particularly been fascinated and moved by your experiences in South Africa, you write well and take great photos.
I understand what you mean re the learning bit as am also not in a learning role right now, but there are not as many voices that I have found as entertaining and open as yours, whether you're doing industry stuff or not.
Take care xx
Why does not having current work mean you can't have any ideas or perspectives to offer? I rather gathered from your blogs that it's good for anyone to share ideas so others can build on them. If the ideas are from someone with a wealth of experience then so much the better, regardless of whether they are currently employed. There are times when I can't make head nor tail of what you and your follwers are discussing but there are other times when I learn a lot - whether I feel moved to comment or not. I'll be sorry if you stop but if you do, good luck with whatever you take on in its place.
Ummm...just a minute there...Craig already beat me to it, but I would like to respectfully disagree with your reasoning for shutting down this blog. I can accept that you aren't interested in contributing to the discussion any longer or that you are too busy to post - but not wanting to continue because you aren't in the field? You are always in the field by sheer dint of your approach to lifelong learning. You ARE a practitioner. Besides, here in America we have a tradition where we turn our most exceptional athletes into sports broadcasters and commentators once they retire from actually playing the one of our most exceptional learning bloggers for so long, you deserve this welcome to the American tradition of expert commentators! Like Craig, I shall expect to see your next blog post in my Google reader on Monday.
Karyn, I've learned a lot from you, especially because you include feelings as part of learning. Thanks so much, and I continue to hope the job you so richly deserve arrives soon.
Keep blogging Karyn, Learning as you say is a journey and a blog is a way of reporting and reflecting on that.
Karyn, I'm late to join the list of commentators, but my feelings are no less strong.
We're part of an amazing community, the strength of which is that it doesn't have qualification or job title as a ticket to gain entry. What matters is the quality of the contribution, and I have no doubt that should you choose to continue blogging here you would be adding value to all of us.
You must do whatever is right for you, but we'll miss you if you're not around.
Hi Karyn,
As everyone else has said, just because you're not working "in the field" doesn't mean you shouldn't be blogging. If that was true then I shouldn't be saying anything about schools or teaching!
I value your thoughts and opinions. They always make me think! And, like the others, I always look forward to what you have to say.
Having said that, don't feel under any pressure to post. It should be a natural expression of who and where you are, not something that you do because others expect it of you.
'til the next time...
I am calling it a sabbatical, Karyn, and expect you back some day :)
I too took a sabbatical from my independent business by taking a day JOB (a four letter word, IMO) in order to pay the bills.
Thank you all for your kind comments.
In answer to those of you who have urged me to keep blogging:
I'm sure you have attended conferences or engaged in conversations with people who speak loudly and with conviction from a standpoint that is way behind the curve. This was something I noticed at one conference, where I enountered people talking about 'cutting edge' solutions that had been made mandatory, and in which the navigation was a predetermined tunnel of back/next buttons. I found it both embarrassing and heartbreaking. I don't want to be the cause of that embarrassment and heartbreak for anyone else. And, unless I am keeping up with developments in the field, I suspect that would very quickly become the case.
The reality of bills needing to be paid, and the fact that my job search has thus far been fruitless, means that I am forced to look outside the field of L&D for a source of income. At this stage, I have no idea what that might yield, if anything, because I simply can't conceive of doing anything else, after more than 20 years in this area.
But needs must.
Karyn, I am in the same position as you at this point. Would you ever consider starting a blog under a different name to "rebrand" yourself and help those of us going through the same thing?
The fact is, I found much of your blog more about learning (and lifelong learning) rather than just the technology. I can understand you wanting to reinvent yourself, so why not do it via a blog that more closely reflects your current learning adventure.
Who knows, maybe it will help you in developing a new career (look at Christine Martille's blog from last year. It was really rich).
I apologize that I didn't reply sooner, but I'm behind in all my blog reading.
I do hope that this is as sabbatical, as Harold put it, and that you'll be back again when your life is in a better place.
It took me a year and 200+ job applications before I got my first ID job. I don't think I would have felt up to sharing anything during that time myself.
My sister has been employed a year now, but her job search was two years long. She got to a point where she said she might hit the next person who said anything about doors closing and windows opening. I'm sure you can understand the sentiment!
Good luck to you, and I'll miss reading your blog.
Wow, this caught me by surprise. Take a break from us by all means but don't leave us. I, like many others here, value what you contribute because you speak from your heart and you speak sense.
I know you will do what is right for you, and find your new focal point.
Not goodbye but see you soon...
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