Friday, October 15, 2010

More about QR codes

Thanks again to Paul Simbeck-Hampson for the link to this video about a creative use of QR codes.

Forget about the content of the book in the example. Think laterally. Consider the possibilities! Here we have the potential for a book that self-updates. Just as you do with web pages, when something changes, you update the source material, and the user accesses the most up to date information.

Just in time information.

As a teaching and learning resource, this is dynamite!!!!

Later edit: At Paul's suggestion (see comments below), I am including this video which shows some of the potential usage of the technology:


Views from Malmesbury said...

Ok, I'm way outside my comfort zone her - only used my bottom of the market mobile a dozen times in the past year - a definite dunce in the techno world, so can I confirm I've understood this correctly? Eg a surgery has lots of information leaflets that are re-printed whenever contact or any other details change. They could just have QR codes that link to a website (or something) that people access for up to date information? If a patient doesn't have a smartphone then they could have an in-house one for use? Or a police station could have QR codes for cautions in different languages and essential information like requests for interpreters? Or if an organisation was just changing it's logo they'd only have to do it at a central source if they were using this system? If I've understood correctly would you have any objection to my sending details of your post to the Government Spending Challenge website? It's formally closed but I think they still accept emailed suggestions.

Paul S-H said...

You may want to edit your post and add this video underneath - mixing virtual with non virtual is also really cool.

Thanks for making some noise...

Did you see the Crowdsource post too? See my reply to Mark (middle in of comments - quite a long reply... ;) infact all the comments are really interesting...

You can delete this comment if you wish, just filling you in :-)

The upsycho said...

@Views Rest assured, things move so fast these days, no-one ever reaches their comfort zone before progress has moved on again!

You've pretty much got the idea, and please go right ahead with putting forward suggestions to whomever you like. The more people can benefit from the use of this technology, the better!

The upsycho said...

@Paul I'm quite happy for your comment to appear as is... although I will add the video you suggest. I'm not precious about whose thoughts are being reflected here ;o)

Views from Malmesbury said...

Thanks, and done